Thursday, March 13, 2008

Events Business

Our business is to organize events on second life. We will go around to event locations such as skate parks, golf courses, race tracks and other activity places and talk to the owners to get their permission and cooperation. Then we will advertise by putting up posters in popular places, the place of the event, and other places where people who enjoy the sport would be. For example, if we organize a skate contest, we would advertise it at other skate parks as well. We could get sponsors from second life businesses or real businesses who might donate prizes or just have their name displayed.

We would make money off of sponsors paying to advertise and participants paying an entry fee to the event. Our events might include skate contests, golf tournaments, car races, mountain bike or dirt bike races, and other sports. There is potential for us to organize events for any sport. To attract participants, the winners would receive prizes. The more I think about it, I think this has potential in or out of second life.


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