Monday, April 7, 2008

Ethical Lapses in Workers

The percentages stated in this article are really surprising to me. After spending a semester in the working world, I can see how there are ethical lapses but I did not realize it was this common. One thing that stuck out to me from this article and my experience is that an ethical lapse by one person can demotivate other people. This is especially true when a boss makes a decision unethically.
I wonder about the causes of so many ethical lapses. A few causes I would predict would be personal gain which might include doing someone a personal favor that cheats the company. Another cause that would not surprise me is because many things are easier when you ignore ethics. The company may have a set process to go through when it would be easier to skip some of those steps.
After reading this article, I want to know before I take a job that my boss abides by ethics on every decision. I will be more cautious in the workplace then I may have been before reading the article.


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